“Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.” ― Aristotle

The faculty of BL. International School CB Ganj Bareilly shapes its special character. Each faculty member is both a teacher and a scholar, an expert in his or her own field. The faculty at BLIS are full time highly qualified teachers, who have extensive teaching experience in their respective fields.

Each staff member also imbibes the BLIS culture and ethos, which is the thread that binds the entire teaching fraternity. This academic community not only imparts instruction through the regular teaching periods, it also engages students in a variety of other ways, whether it is to conduct the morning assembly, bring out school publications, arrange and participate in cultural shows, or just simply arrange visits.

Teaching is a noble profession. We in our school take it very seriously. On our teaching/training depends the future of not only a young boy or a girl, but the whole of the nation, as these young people under our charge, have a dream to fulfill, a dream not only for self-aggrandizement, or to win through rigors of life, but to make India Great. Teaching aims at inculcating in them the faculty of the resolution, deeper understanding, quick response, and executing them with perfection. A simple teacher will not fit in such a role, but a dedicated teacher, with zeal, enthusiasm, a missionary spirit, and exemplary courage and vision only can fill the slot. The school society takes care of the needs of such a teacher and offers good opportunities for career advancements.

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